Saturday, July 31, 2010

Shop til you drop

I feel like I've been on a vacation from the Internet. I haven't had much time to blog/facebook lately. It's been nice....I may take more breaks. I don't have any pictures from this past week because...well...I deleted them off my camera. ERRRR!! I can't believe I did that! It wasn't like I deleted some amazing events but, if you know me, you know I take lots of pictures. I was a little upset but, it's not the end of the world.

Here's some photos (outtakes) of Kagen I took a few months ago. It is VERY difficult to get her to sit still or look at the camera. She's still a cutie pie!

I went shopping with my Mom on Tuesday in Terrell at this really great outlet mall. School is getting ready to start up again so I helped her get some cute clothes. She's going to be the cutest teacher in the district. It was a lot of fun and boy can my Momma shop! I think we walked about 50miles the whole day. hahaha I really enjoyed helping her spend her money. We went shopping again yesterday but, this time in Tyler. There were SALES everywhere. But I was a good girl! Dave Ramsey would be proud. In fact, the ONE shirt I did buy yesterday, I took back today. ha!

I'm still getting ideas together for Kagen's 2nd birthday party. I keep changing my mind... That's why I start early with the planning. ;) I've decided, I think, to invite only family to her party this year. Mainly because I don't want all my friends to feel obligated to buy Kagen a gift and another reason is I really want to have it at my house. And to be honest, there's barely enough room in my house for just family. haha We're considering selling our home soon, so I wanted Kagen to have at least one party here. That got me to thinking about decorating and colors, etc.. The house we lived in before this house had a red kitchen. I love....loved red. So of course when we bought the home we're in now I wanted red somewhere. I chose the dining room. After almost 3 years of looking at my red dining room I am SICK of the color. Don't get me wrong, it's a gorgeous color, I'm just tired of it being in my house. It makes the dining room seem so small and dark. I really want to brighten it up. Also, there is nothing on the walls or windows. So boring!

This is our dining room. How dark and boring does this look?

I figure slowly, I can get the room looking great! Yesterday, I found a paint color that I thought I loved, until today. I wanted to price paint so we went to Lowe's and there was an even better color. I was pretty happy.

Some people might think the color I chose is boring but, I really like it. It's actually a little darker than what it looks, but when I took the picture without the flash it looked weird.

The plan is to paint next Saturday. Wish us luck!

Sunday, July 25, 2010


Today was HOT! It was a good day, though. We went to church this morning and listened to a great sermon. It was one that we really needed to hear. I love the way God works, He's so awesome. After church we had lunch with my parent's before heading home. Kagen didn't fall asleep in the car this time so once we got home she took a nice long nap for us. I snuck in a little nap myself. After naps we headed to the park. When we pulled up Kagen saw the swings and slides and was SO happy. She kept saying, "ohhh!" "yay!" and a few other sentences I couldn't quite make out. I should have gotten pictures of this, but once we let her down she started running towards the play ground. It was so CUTE! She's truly a little kid! She even swung on a big kid swing. We ate at McDonalds for dinner and let Kagen run off whatever energy she had left.

Hi Momma!

She loves turtles

wait...loved ha!

lil towhead

Friday, July 23, 2010


It's Friday night and I'm home....alone. It was nice for a while but, now I'm bored! Kagen went to spend the night with GiGi and Bill Bill. And Lex just decided to play some golf with a friend. I don't have much to write about so I'll just post a few pictures. I hope everyone has a great weekend!!

Thursday, July 22, 2010

No title...

Well yesterday, my parent's watched Kagen so I could be CHILD FREE for a few hours. It was nice. I had lunch with Stacy then we ran to Dillards to look around and see if anything caught my eye for Kagen to wear at her birthday party.'s not til October, but I like to plan ahead. I really didn't expect to find anything, but there it was...the CUTEST outfit EVER. With Stacy's help I decided to go ahead and get it. If something cuter crosses my path, I might be in trouble. The rest of the day I spent DEEP cleaning my house. It was awesome.

I was happy to see this little girl

This morning Kagen and I ran a couple errands and in the process, found shoes to match Kagen's outfit. I think it's a sign! After shopping, we headed to the park so she could run around. She loves the slide, I think we're going to have to break down and get her one for the day.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

It's Tuesday...again.

This past weekend we had our Yard Sale. It was HOT HOT HOT! We were a lot slower than I thought we would be. I'm guessing it was just too hot for people. We all managed to make some money so I can't complain. I didn't realize how emotional I would be when I sold Kagen's clothes! My Mom made me feel better by telling me they're only taking clothes, not my baby girl. Still, it was hard! I still had some of her clothes left after the sale and I must say I was happy! I just packed them back up in the storage bins. She still has plenty of clothes left and I am going to wait to see if the Lord blesses me with another girl. I'm not saying I would be UNhappy if Ihad a boy, it would probably be a lot easier having a boy! ha! Needless to say, going through all these clothes gave me baby fever!!

Yesterday I wanted to get out of the house. I had been organizing, cleaning, sorting, hanging, pricing, and I just wanted to get out! Kagen and I decided to go visit NaNa and PaPaw. **side note**(Kagen has decided to call my Mom Nana. All along we have been calling my Mom, Grandma, but on her own Kagen started calling her Nana.) After lunch me and My Mom headed out to run couple errands while my Dad watched Kagen. I'm wanting to get Kagen a table for Christmas that I can paint. There is this really neat place in Tyler called The Wood Shed that a friend of mine told me about. I found THE PERFECT TABLE. I love it. Hopefully it'll still be there in a couple months.

I told her to say cheese and she did this...

She's learning how to jump

Bubbles!! She LOVES bubbles!

Today, we just hung around the house and did some cleaning. Kagen was in a great mood today. She is turning into such a little copy cat. It's hilarious! I don't want to jinx myself but, I think we are back on schedule with her naps. YAY! The rest of the week is pretty low key. We'll see if I can get my house back in order!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

It's only Tuesday?!?!

Yesterday was a busy day. Like I stated in my last post, I'm getting ready for a garage sale so I've been trying to go through stuff and price and organize and clean.... I told myself I wouldn't get too crazy and devote a bunch of time to the sale but, I lied.

Kagen loves getting in the bed and snuggling with us in the mornings. I am NOT complaining. I like my snuggle time.

After playing around we had breakfast and then got to back to work on sorting through clothes.

These bins are still full of clothes I am NOT selling. How crazy am I? I really HOPE I have another girl. ha!

I took a break to meet a friend of mine, Stacy, for lunch. She and her husband are expecting their first baby in February. I'm SO EXCITED. I love when my friends have babies!! After lunch, Kagen and I went to meet Kathy and some of Lex's family while they were having lunch. They are visiting from Virginia and we are always so excited to see them! Kagen was starting to have a meltdown so it was time for us to leave. ha! We headed home and I tried to get Kagen to take a nap...instead, she DEMOLISHED her room. There were toys, books and clothes everywhere. Needless to say, she did not nap that afternoon. Thinking back, I should have taken a picture. It was a sight. In the middle of all this I some how got a load of clothes washed, the kitchen somewhat clean and priced more clothes. After Lex got home we headed to his Dad's house to visit some more with his family. We had some yummy BBQ and let Kagen stay up WAY past her bedtime. She was a happy girl too! She loved showing off and running around. Her new thing is to hug you and say "oh baby". Too funny!

Kagen and her Aunt Diane

She was winking at me.

Lex didn't work today so we went to have the oil changed in both of our cars and do some grocery shopping. Exciting, I know. I finished pricing clothes too! yay! Lex and Kagen went to his Nanny's tonight to visit with his family one last time before they left. I stayed home because I think my cold finally caught up with me. I plan to take some good meds and feel better tomorrow!

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Lazy weekend

We had a pretty low key weekend, which was really nice since we have been on the go all week. Saturday morning, Lex went to help his cousin work on a house so Kagen and I just lounged around and it was really nice. (I love weekends, it gives me an excuse to be lazy)

Kagen's still cutting teeth so I finally bought her some (sugar free) Popsicles. She was in Heaven! Speaking of teething...she has had a pretty hard time with her canines (eye teeth). I was told they were the hardest to cut and I believe it!

The first taste she looked at me and said, "Mmmm mmm MMMMM"

After making a big mess with the Popsicle I changed her and thought it would be fun to play dress up. I gave her bracelets and a necklace, she was a real princess. She also loves wearing my heels around the house. I should really get her a pair of her own.

Today we went to church and we were actually early!! It was great! The church we go to is about 30 minutes away so we are usually pulling up just in time. We had lunch at my parent's house then headed to Billy and Kathy's house. We spent most of the day playing over there before we came home.
Since we got home, I've been going through Kagen's clothes and toys, my clothes....the house in general, really. We're having a Garage Sale this weekend so I'm preparing for that. Kagen has SO MANY clothes it's crazy! The sad part is, is I can only part with some of it. I want to think I'll have another girl some day and it would be so nice to have so many girl clothes. AND, I can't stand the thought of getting rid of her stuff because I'm such a sentimental person! I think I may have some hoarding issues.

Friday, July 9, 2010

Happy Birthday Aunt Lindsey!

Wednesday, Kagen spent the night with my Mom and Dad so I could travel with Lex while he worked. We spent the night just north of Houston and came home Thursday evening, just in time to celebrate my sister's 25th birthday!!