Thursday, July 30, 2009

Bad Blogger

I admit it, I'm not as great at this blogging as I thought I would be. It's hard sometimes to make myself sit down and write....other than random post on FB. lol.
Well we had an awesome 4th of July with our friends and family. Even though Kagen was under the weather. This was her first time to get sick and I was a wreck. A week after symptoms started we found out that she had an ear infection! Poor baby. To be a sick baby she did very well. She just wanted to cuddle all the time. And who am I to complain about that?!? Because she wasn't feeling super she spent most of the 4th hanging inside with Grandma but when it came time for fireworks she was ready! I was really nervous about her and the possibility of her flipping out but, she did great.
We have definitely gotten out of the house more since my last blog. I was getting a little stir crazy. Kagen is much like her momma and loves shopping. Even if it is just window shopping. She is getting more and more independent as the days go on and I must say I'm not too fond of that. She's crawling all over the place, saying momma, dadda and some other interesting sounds and clapping. She loves experimenting with different laughs and that makes for an entertaining day. She's learning to feed her self and she is TRYING to walk. She has taking a couple of pretty big spills but, after the kisses and hugs she ready to try it again. Such a little dare devil. It makes me sad thinking that my baby won't be a baby for long. I am cherishing every single moment I can.
Kagen was helping me clean this morning but it actually turned in to her playing. I finally figured out how to post a video on here. This video is from this morning while she was 'helping' me clean.

It might be a lonely night for us. Lex received an email saying bring an over night bag. :( I don't like when they have him stay the night somewhere but, I would rather him do that then try to drive all the way back home from wherever he is. I'm already ready for him to come back home. And he just left! LOL.

Kagen loves her puppy dogs.

This is the only family picture we got on the 4th. Nice and sweaty!

9 months old!!!

Her two teeth...can you see them?!

Her new sleeping position