Sunday, January 29, 2012

Recap of our week

Last week was a pretty busy one.  We enjoyed it though!

Monday was a pretty day so we met up with some friends at the park. When we got home I put Kalli down for a nap while Kagen and I hung out outside.

Tuesday Kagen had a meltdown about the outfit I put her in. There were even real tears. We picked it out the night before but I guess she changed her mind. So she chose a different one and we hurried off to school.

Kalli and I spent some time playing while Kagen was at school.
When I picked Kagen up we went to the store to get some veggies for her and Kalli. She had fun picking them out.

We spent Wednesday at home and it was nice. Kagen is starting to play with Kalli more and more. She loves her! And I love watching them together.

Thursday I took Kalli to the Doctor because she had been pretty fussy for a few days. That morning she was fussier than she had been. I really thought it was teething but I wanted to make sure it wasn't her ears. Sure enough-she has her first ear infection. Thankfully it's not a bad one.

That night I met up with a couple of my sweet friends. Courtney wanted us to get together and I needed a night out, so it was perfect!

Friday we met up with Crystal and Madeline at Jumpin Jacks. This was a our first time there and the girls loved it!! Kagen wasn't too sure about it at first, but then she warmed up. After that we went to Chick-fil-a and the girls had a blast playing in the playground.
That night my parents came over to watch the girls so Lex and I could have a date night.  It was so nice.  We went to dinner and did a little shopping before grabbing some frozen yogurt.  I love spending time with him!!

The girls got these outfit for Christmas.  They looked so cute in them!

Saturday we went to Kate's birthday party. There were a ton of kids and they all had so much fun.

After the party we came home for naps and then went to run some errands.
When we got back home Lex mowed and Kagen decided she needed to help. She looked so cute out there with her Daddy.

This picture is hilarious!  Kagen and Kate were fighting over who could hold Kalli. 

And finally, today.  We went to church and then lunch at my parent's house.  When we got home we tried to get the girls to take their naps, but Kalli was the only one who did. Lex and I went outside to re paint a table for Kagen.  She wanted to come out there with us so I told her to get dressed.  She came out with just a jacket and shoes on.  Then she pretended to be a turtle with the laundry basket.

Never a dull moment.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Two parties and a baby

We had a pretty fun weekend.  Saturday Kagen had two birthday parties to attend.  I thought I was going to have to take both girls to the parties by myself because Lex was still working on his side job.  He ended up taking off that morning and went with us.  Thank goodness!!  Ha!! 
We went to Connor's party first.   His party was a sock monkey theme.  It was so cute!  Stacy did  a great job with everything. 

Stacy and I have been friends for over 10 years. She is such a sweetheart and just a nice person. I can't believe we have 3 kids between us now. I'm hoping she'll add a fourth one soon! =)

Kagen and the birthday boy.
  Happy 1st Birthday Connor!

After that we headed to Wyatt's birthday party.  His party was at the church they go to.  They had the neatest area for kids.  Kagen had so much fun running around with all the kids.

This was one of her favorite things to ride.


Happy 3rd Birthday Wyatt!

 Lex was going to work late that night so he was going to stay home with Kalli while Kagen and I went to church the next morning.  Well, he ended up working until 3am.  I didn't want to try to take both girls to church by myself and I didn't want him to have to worry about Kalli.  So I decided to just stay home.  The girls and I ran to get donuts and then played until he woke up. 
My sweet friend Amanda went into labor Saturday night. I was so excited when I got that text! She had Landry at 6:13 Sunday morning.  He is a doll and looks like his big brother. 

When I got home from visiting them Lex went to work for a few more hours to finish the job.  We are so excited he is done!  We have missed seeing him. 

This picture makes me laugh.  Kalli has the cutest crooked smile and then there's Jake.  haha!

They are always holding hands.  It melts my heart when I see this. 

Safety first! 

Hope you all have a great week!

Friday, January 20, 2012

A productive day

I have so much respect for single Moms or to those who have husbands that are gone for work long periods at a time.  They are some hard working people!   Lex has been working some late nights this week on a side job he has.  We haven't seen much of him and we really miss him!
 Last night I braved the grocery store by myself with the girls.  They both did great!  Luckily I didn't need a ton of stuff so the trip wasn't too long.  Kagen is turning in to such a big girl.  It's so fun watching her change every day.  Kalli too!!  She loves being able to push her own buggy.  When she would pass someone she would say, "Oh! Excuse me!"  and sometimes it was "Watch out, watch out!" 

She told me she wanted to wear her rain boots, so that's exactly what she did.  =)

 I had a lot to get caught up on around the house so it was nice to stay home all day. I got 5 loads of laundry washed and put away. Yes, FIVE. That's not counting the 2 I did yesterday. The smaller the human, the bigger their laundry pile is!!

Kalli ran a little fever today because of her shots but, she's been in a pretty good mood. Thank goodness for Ibuprofen. Kagen is getting better about listening to me. We still have a few issues but, it has gotten much better the last couple of days. I was beginning to worry! ha! Both girls were great today. They've really done good all week. It's just been a long one!

After breakfast we played for a little bit before Kalli took her morning nap.

This is probably one of the BEST flavors.  I'm addicted to it.  I was a little heart broken this morning because this was the last one I had left.  I have no idea what I'm going to do tomorrow morning....   

While Kalli napped I cleaned the kitchen, along with Kagens help.  She was playing with the bananas and I noticed this.  She's such a goof ball. 

After that it was time for her "room time"  After she'd been in there a little while I snuck in to check on her.  She had gotten her princess doll out and her princess puzzle.  That made me so excited! 

Kalli got up for her nap and was ready for a bottle.  While she ate, I made my first attempt at making baby food.   My Mom and I went to Target to the day before and I bought this steamer basket...thingy.  It worked pretty good!

 And voilĂ !!
 It was much easier than I thought it would be to make. 

Kalli took a sippy cup for the first time today.  She was not happy about it at first, but then she was hooked.

Then it was time for both girls to take their afternoon naps.  Once they were out, I had to dive in to all this fun.  This stack of papers have been staring at me for a couple weeks and the stack has gotten taller and taller each day.  Sometimes being a grown up stinks. ha!

Before Lex went to work this evening, we went to dinner with Bill Bill and GiGi. 

When we got home it was time for their baths.  I bathed them together and Kalli loved being in there with her sister.  After the girls' baths we climbed into the bed and read a couple books.  Kagen wanted to do most of the reading. 

Now I'm exhausted.  Bed time is right around the corner for me.  Hope y'all have a great weekend!!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

6 months!!

I can't believe Kalli is already 6 months old.  These last 6 months have flown by!  This is such a fun age.
She had her check up today and did great.  She got four shots, one being the flu shot.  She passed out shortly after that.  She is 15.8lbs (40%ile)  26in (60%ile) Her head is still tiny!!  It's in the 15%ile.  She's slowly growing in to it.  haha 

She is such a good baby.  We had a very rocky start so I am thankful for how good she has been lately.  She is so laid back.  She is the complete opposite of Kagen.

She's finally rolling around-back to front, front to back.

 She is in her crib full time and loves sleeping on her stomach.  I removed the crib bumper the other day so her bed looks so big now!

 She can sit up on her own for a few seconds.

She is still trying to cut those two bottom teeth.  They are taking forever.  That is JUST like Kagen did.

She LOVES peek-a-boo and The Itsy Bitsy Spider. 

She loves playing with her feet.

She has the sweetest laugh.

She loves pulling my hair and pinching!  Everything goes in her mouth.

Her big sister is still her idol.

 She has started making a few sounds like "ba" and "ma".  I swear she said "MaMa" the other day when she was mad! ha!! 

She is still nursing but, every other feeding she gets formula.   We tried rice cereal last week and she loved it but, became real fussy a few days later.  She is teething too, so we're not real sure what that was about.  We are going to try oatmeal with her and also get started on some veggies!  I'm so excited about that!!

She loves playing with toys. Especially rattles and blankets. 

She usually sleeps from 8 to 4 then back down until 7:30 or 8.   Lately that's been a little off because of teething. 

Kalli changes so much each day.  She is looking less and less like Kagen did.  I swear her hair is blonder than Kagen's was.  I'm curious to see if her eyes stay blue.  Kagen loves playing with her.

  I had to vacuum our room so I put her and Kalli on the bed and next thing I knew Kagen was putting her trains on Kalli.  It was so funny! 

These are the girls at the same age in, obviously, the same outfit.  See how different they look?!