Tuesday, July 5, 2011

35 weeks

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 35 Weeks

Size of baby:  The size of a honeydew melon.  About 5 1/4 lbs and 18 in long.

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 30lbs
Maternity Clothes: Jeans and shorts and a few tops are maternity.
Gender: It’s a GIRL! Kalli Reese Richardson

Movement: She is still pretty active but, I think she's running out of room.  She is very active when it's time to eat and around 10pm....every night!!

Sleep: Not great but, I never sleep all that great.  Turning from side to side has become a pain!! ha

What I miss: My balance

Cravings: I don't really have any right now
Symptoms: I've started having some heartburn again, but it's not as bad as it was in the beginning of this pregnancy.

Best Moment this week:  Just listening to Kagen talk about Kalli.  She'll talk about Kalli's room, her stroller and she loves to kiss Kalli too.  
I feel and look bigger than I did with Kagen.  I gained a little over 30 lbs with Kagen and I've already hit that mark with 5 weeks left!!  OH MY!!   Kalli is so high, I can not wait for her to drop.  She loves kicking me in my ribs.  I think she's going to be long like Kagen was, maybe longer!!   With the heat and a 2 1/2 year old running around, I'm very ready to have Kalli.  I'm kind of hoping these last 5 weeks fly by like the rest of the pregnancy did. 


July 4th

We had such a fun day yesterday.   We spent most of the morning being lazy then I went to lunch with my sweet friend Courtney while Lex took Kagen to lunch. 

Courtney gave Kagen this adorbable shirt

After lunch Kagen took a short nap then we headed to my parents' house.  We had hot dogs and all kinds of sweets.  We made these cute little strawberries too!

Snow cones, meltdowns and fireworks... Oh my!!!

Sunday afternoon out church had a 4th of July celebration.  They had water slides, face painting, food and all kinds of fun.  Kagen would not nap for us after lunch, but we decided to take her to church anyways.  After downing a snow cone we thought she would be brave enough to go on the water slide.  Nope.  She was so tired and it was so hot.  Just not a good combination.  I thought she might want to get her face painted but, when she realized she couldn't play with the paint she came unglued.  Oh...my...gosh.   We decided to leave and see if we could get her to nap but she still refused.  She layed in her room for and hour but, never slept.  We decided to give fireworks a shot and when we got back to the church later that evening she was in a much better mood.   When the fireworks started she screamed bloody murder!!! hahaha  She wanted her daddy to hold her ears but, half way through she got over her fear.  We ended up having a good evening.  =)


Saturday we went to the club house at Mo and Pop's Villas to celebrate a couple birthdays and that Mo made it back home safely from her trip to Africa.   We had such a good time with everyone.  Kagen just loves swimming and could NOT wait to finish eating so we could swim.   (I also realized I did not get a single picture of Mo or Pop!!)

I had to post a picture of this!  I've never had it and Danny and Karen brought it.  It's half tea and half lemonade.  It's SO GOOD.   If you've never tried it, do it!!

Friday, July 1, 2011


We had a first today!  Kagen had a play date with a friend at Chuck-E-Cheese.  She's never been there and I'm hoping she'll go back.  She's not a fan of loud noises or "rides" so it was a little overwhelming for her.  We tried to get her to ride a ride with Madeline but, she flipped out when the car started moving.   ha!!  I think the more we go,  the more she'll enjoy it.  She did have fun feeding tickets into the machine.   Afterwards, we went to the mall for lunch.

 Kagen took a good nap today, yay!  Then we went outside to play in the water.
 My poor dogs just aren't fast enough for Kagen sometimes.  She has been treating them like babies lately.  It's sweet, but I'm concerned for Kalli.  hahaha.

 I hope everyone has a safe and happy 4th!!!