Monday, January 31, 2011

Ready for Spring!

We have had some absolutely beautiful weather the past few days.  It makes me even more ready for Spring to get here.   It was so pretty on Friday that we had to take advantage of it, so Kagen and I met up with friends for lunch and then a trip to the zoo.  Before making our way to the Zoo we stopped at Popcorn Junction to get some snacks.  Their popcorn is amazing!    It was such a fun day, even though the animals wanted to play hide and seek.  I finally gave in and let Kagen go into the petting zoo.  It had been a small fear of mine...  She loved it, which I knew she would.  She is such an animal lover.  She also enjoyed pushing Max around almost the entire time.  It was so funny!  Friday is the ONLY day I took pictures the whole weekend.  I have had so much going on and my mind is constantly somewhere else that I have been so bad about taking pictures.  I need to fix that!!
I also noticed that several of my pictures are of the back of Kagen's head.  Ha!  It's so hard to get that child to look at the camera.

I wanted to post a picture of me and Kagen from our first visit to the zoo.  She was only about 6 months old here!! 


Saturday was also another gorgeous day. Kagen went to her first birthday party of the year.  She had so much fun running around and playing.  There were a lot of other 2 year olds there so it made it that much more fun for her.  When we got up for church on Sunday we noticed it wasn't going to be as pretty as it has been the past week. I guess it had to come to an end...  We still had a wonderful morning and evening worship service despite the clouds that were rolling in. 
We're suppose to get a few storms this week and then cold weather... I'm not looking forward to the cold again.  I got so use to the sunshine!!   Today we're just going to spend the day at home and try to get some cleaning done.  Hopefully I will take more pictures this week! 

Monday, January 17, 2011

A pajamas kinda day

Kagen woke up with a cough Thursday morning and sadly it's still here along with other fun stuff.  We have stayed in the house as much as we could since then.  Luckily some friends came by on Thursday to play and keep our minds off of being stuck in the house.  That morning Erin and Levi came by with a goody bag.  There was candy and Kagen's new favorite accessory....sunglasses!  That afternoon we got to visit with my old boss' daughters.  Dana brought them by because they have been missing Kagen.  We missed them too!  
Friday, we only got out to have lunch with PaPa and then back home we came.  Saturday  afternoon we had to get our pictures taken for the church directory.  Kagen had now developed a very runny nose.  Luckily she did wonderful during pictures.  She spent the night with GiGi and Bill Bill so that we didn't have to get her out for church.  After church and lunch we went to get Kagen.  
  My Mom and I are going to a new Beth Moore Bible study at church and our first meeting was Sunday.  I'm so excited about it.  We are going to be learning all about David.  I can't wait to see where this study takes me in my walk with the Lord.

That brings us to today.  The only day I took pictures.  ha!  We spent the entire day in pajamas.  Kagen seems to be getting a little better.  There's less snot but, she is still coughing and is a TAD cranky.   I'm so completely over this weather too. It has been cold and raining for days.  I can't wait for Spring....

Here's our day in pictures.

Every night Lex reads to Kagen.  They read Green Eggs and Ham often, so often,  she has just about memorized it.  The other night she told Lex that she wanted to read it to him.  I snuck in and listened to her and it was so cute!  I was able to catch with the video camer today but, I wish I would have the other night.  It was hilarious.  But, this is still cute!

-She has no pants on because she refused to put them back on after a diaper change
-The room is messy.  You can tell we've been playing hard today. 

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Weekend recap

I really wanted to do some cleaning around the house on Saturday, so Lex took Kagen with him to run some errands.  They also went on a lunch date to Kagen's favorite place...chick-fil-a.  When they came home Lex played with her and kept her busy so I could finish cleaning.

 She loves her little Snoopy.  A little too much, I think.

Sunday was Bill Bill's birthday so after church we went to their house for lunch.  Kagen loves playing with GiGi's iPad.  She could play with it for hours.

While we were there it started to snow, it was so pretty coming down.  Kagen wanted to play in it so bad!! 

We decided that we needed to head home before the roads got too bad.  By the time we reached our road it already looked like this!  It was gorgeous.

They cancelled church services for the night so we stayed home and had a lazy evening.

Monday afternoon Kagen had a Dr's appointment. We decided to go the mall to walk around for a while  and have lunch before her appointment.  I also had a gift card I wanted to use!!  When we came home she took a nice long nap for us.

After her nap, we got ready to go see Mo and Pop.  When we were pulling out of the garage I noticed a package at the front door.  I opened it and there were these yummy treats!!!  My sweet friend  Amanda had them made for us to celebrate the new addition.  She's such a sweet heart!!!  Thank you again!!!!!

10 weeks

This post is mainly for me.  I didn't have a blog when I was pregnant with Kagen and I really wish I would have.  I know it can be boring reading about other people's pregnancy updates, so feel free to ignore this post.  Haha 

I'm 10 weeks pregnant today and I'm feeling SO MUCH better.  I'm praying I'm over being sick.  It's really difficult to take care of a 2 year while you're feeling yucky.  Lex has been wonderful in helping me around the house and with Kagen.   We had a sono last week and got to hear the baby's hear beat.  It was exciting to see our little gummy bear for the first time.  We took Kagen with us so that GiGi could watch her.  Everyone loves Kagen.  She's such a little ham.  Things have definitely been different this go around.  My appetite is not the same as it was with Kagen.  Every so often there will be a day when I feel like no matter how much I eat, I'm still hungry!!  With Kagen, I was hungry ALL THE TIME. haha    I also only wanted junk food with Kagen and now all I want is salads and apples.  Weird.  I do crave Twizzlers and Gummy Bears.  I also discovered, the other night, that I'm starting to get a pooch, well a bigger pooch.  hahaha   I guess it's true that with the second and so on you show earlier?  Hmmm.  Not sure what I think about that!

All about Kagen

We talk to Kagen everyday about the baby in my tummy.   We ask her, "What's in Momma's tummy?" and she says, "A baby!".  She loves kissing my tummy too.  I can't wait to see how she does with a sibling. 

She has been a Daddy's girl lately.  She hates it when he leaves for work.  It's so sweet to see how much she loves him.  

Every night we pray with Kagen before she goes to bed.  We tell her to bow her head and close her eyes and she does.  It's so precious.  Last night, after our prayer I looked up and she was looking at me.... As soon as she saw me look up she looked quickly looked down.  I guess she was worried she'd get in trouble for not keeping her head down.

She must think we are saying "rooster" when we say big sister because she will make a rooster sound every time.  It's so funny.

She says "look at that" about almost everything! 
For example: "Oh, look at that pretty tree!"

The other night I was on the phone with my sister and Kagen had to interrupt me to tell me something very important..
Kagen: Momma.  Momma.  Momma.  MOMMA!
Me: What baby?
Kagen: I'm drinkin' water!

When there is a squirrel in the back yard she will "bark" at it along with our dogs.  She'll also tell the dogs to "get em!"

She can be demanding... 
"Come mere, Momma!"
"Come mere, Daddy!"
"Come mere, Snoopy!"

  She hums all the time and a couple of her favorite songs are "I love Kagen", "Jesus Loves me", and she loves to hum and dance to Mozart. 

She now has the entire alphabet down.  We are starting to work on putting letters together to make words. 

She has colors down pretty good.

She has become very helpful.  She will throw stuff away, bring things to us.  We don't take advantage, I promise.  Ha!

Still a lefty.

All of her teeth are in except her top 2 year molars.  Once those two are in we are done!!  Wooo Hoo!!! 

Shoes are a favorite of hers.  And she won't hesitate to tell you how cute she thinks she looks. haha

I can't believe how fast she is changing.  She does or says something different everyday.  I could go on and on. But I wanted to list some of my favorites.

Something else I almost forgot to add is....  Kagen can OPEN every door in the house.  Including the doors that take her outside.  They do have locks on them and she hasn't figures those out just yet.  But it will be a matter a time.  So we are going be placing these bad boys on the doors, where she can't reach them.  This will have to work until we get a bell installed.

Monday, January 3, 2011

This and that

We haven't been up to a whole lot lately simply because I feel like poo most days.  So far this pregnancy has been VERY different from when I was pregnant with Kagen.  I think I took that pregnancy for granted!!!  Kagen has been having fun even though we haven't really left the house.  She is loving all her new toys.  Mo and Pop bought her a swing set for Christmas and it was finally warm enough for Lex to put it together.  Kagen had fun helping her Daddy too. 

New Years Eve was just a normal night for me.  Lex and Kagen went to visit family and I stayed in bed.  Saturday we had lunch at my parents then came back home.  It wasn't a super eventful weekend but, we still had fun.

This was us last year, obviously.  Next year we'll be a family of 4!!! or 5!  HA!!!

I had to post this.  Since Kagen was little bitty I would sing to her(a little made up song) when I rocked her.  The other day I heard her singing it!  How sweet!!!  I love her.  =)