Thursday, June 30, 2011

Blessed Be Your Name

I was going to write an entire post, but I'm just not ready. I will say that I'm thankful for the things I've been through this past year, even if I couldn't understand why at first. But today, I'm a stronger christian, mother and wife.

I absolutely love this song. I get emotional every time I hear it.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Donuts at the beach

Kagen and I were suppose to have breakfast with a friend when she got off work this morning but, she was pretty exhausted so we cancelled.  Since Kagen and I were dressed we went to pick up donuts then headed to the lake.  Kagen loves going to the "beach" as she calls it.  It was already getting hot and it wasn't even 8:30! 
One of her favorite things to do is get pine cones and toss them in the lake.  It was fun watching her get so excited every time she found one.

We spent the rest of the day at home relaxing.  I did break out my Mod Podge so I could make a "K" for Kalli's room like the one I have for Kagen.  While I was working on that, I let Kagen paint.  She made such a mess!!  I think she enjoyed coloring on her hands more than the paper. 

We have some fun days coming up.  Tomorrow I get to go with my good friend to her Doctors appointment to see her baby#2!!  I can't wait!  And Friday Kagen will be going to Chuck-E-Cheese for the first time ever!  I'm not sure why we've never taken her but, I'm hoping she has fun.  This weekend we get to see MiMi, then of course July 4th.  I just wish it wasn't so hot!!!

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Our Tuesday

This morning Kagen and I ran a few errands, one of them being registering her for school.  Lex and I both prayed about it and visited the school.  Each time Kagen has been up there she wanted to stay, I'm hoping that's a good sign.  It's only 2 days a week and each day is 3 1/2 hours.  She won't be away from me for long, but it will give me a little alone time with Kalli and give Kagen an opportunity to learn.  She starts in September, hopefully I won't be too emotional! 
When we got home Amanda and Kendall came over to play.  We had lunch and then let them swim.  They just love each other. 

After they left, Kagen napped then we headed to my parent's house to swim.  While we were swimming we noticed it getting darker, then lighting!!  We hurried inside and Lex, Kagen and I left quickly so we didn't get caught in the storm.  Tomorrow I'm hoping we can just relax and do some things around the house.  This heat is killing me!!!

Last month my Mom bought this gorgeous light in Canton.  I've never seen it lit up at night.  It was so pretty!

Random phone pictures

I walked out of the kitchen and came back in to see this... She said she was napping.

We got her old carseat down from the attic and she has been having a blast playing with/in it.

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Monday, June 20, 2011

Father's Day

We had a great day yesterday.  We spent all day with our families.  After church we went to Bill Bill and GiGi's for lunch.

That afternoon we went to my parent's house to finish off our Father's day celebrations. 

I hope all you Dads and Dads-to-be had a wonderful day yesterday!!!!!  

Happy Birthday/Father's Day Lexy!!

Yesterday was a really big day for Lex.  He turned 30 and got to celebrate Father's day.    He wouldn't let me throw him a party for his birthday though.  He's not really into that but, he better be throwing me a 30th bday party!!! 30 is a big deal!!  ;) We did go to dinner on Friday night to celebrate.

 The Lord blessed me the day Lex came into my life.   I'm so thankful for the man that he is. I couldn't have asked for a better husband or father.

  He works hard so that I can stay home with Kagen(Kalli too).  He has a desire to serve the Lord and be the head of our household.   I love seeing the Lord work in his...and my life too.

Kagen is such a daddy's girl and loves him with all her little heart.  I love when they go on their little dates together too!   She has him wrapped around her cute little finger and I'm sure Kalli will do the same. 

This was Lex's first Father's Day(2009).  Notice the dress Kagen is wearing is now a shirt.   We've worn the heck out of that dress/shirt!!!

I love you so much, Lex and I am so thankful for everything that you do for us.  You are an amazing friend, husband and father.  Thank you for always loving me, I know it's hard sometimes. haha!!!