Friday, February 26, 2010

Slow week.

We haven't had a very eventful week. I was trying to avoid getting out of the house a lot so that Kagen could get over whatever was making her feel yucky.

Tuesday we got more snow. It didn't stick and I was kind of glad. The snow is beautiful but, I guess I'm just ready for spring. I didn't want Kagen to get be outside for long so Lex bundled her up and let her look at the snow for just a minute. She loved watching it fall and laughed and laughed.

It was a pretty day on Wednesday and Kagen seemed much better so we ran some errands. She was so happy to be out and about and so was I! When we came home I snapped some pictures of her and a couple "new" discoveries.

Where's your belly button?

Where's your foot?

Where are your ears?

I love my silly girl!

And...yesterday, we ran a few more errands and played for a bit before we headed to my parent's house.

baby yoga. J/K

Sunday, February 21, 2010

A few randoms from our weekend

Thursday, Kagen spent the night with Billy and Kathy so that I could have the next day to relax. It was very much needed but, once Friday evening came around I was ready to have her back! I did have a great day, though! I had lunch and then went to see Valentine's Day with two of my sweet friends, Courtney and Dana. After that I did a little shopping and came home to pay bills(yuck!), in peace and quite! Lex and I had dinner with Billy and Kathy that night before bringing Kagen home. And I forgot to take pictures....imagine that.
Lex was given a side job so he has been working on it since Thursday and is still there now!! Luckily, he will finish it this evening.

Trying to run away from her shadow

Helping Daddy load his car

She loves her puppy dogs

The next day me and Kagen went to see my Mom for a little bit. We gave Kagen a pecan and she carried it everywhere.

This is Bo. He is big but, really sweet and LOVES Kagen

Kagen really wanted to get on the steps and after trying and trying she broke through!

It was such a pretty day and since Lex was working out by the lake I thought it would be neat to meet him when he finished working and take some pictures and play.

So much to look at!


She wanted in that water so bad.

That brings us to this morning and we had planned to go to church today. I was really looking forward to it since we missed last Sunday because Kagen wasn't feeling good. Well, at 6 am she wakes up and does not want to go back to sleep. About an hour after that she starts crying and screaming. I still have no idea what was wrong with her but, we gave her some Motrin and breakfast then back to bed she went. So no church. When she woke up she seemed to be feeling better so we, minus Lex, went to my parent's house for lunch. She was happy and playful and laughing. Thank goodness. I wish all of her teeth would come in already!

Thursday, February 18, 2010


Kagen has had a cough and runny nose for a week now. She has also be whiny! She normally takes two, one hour naps. For a while her morning nap has been a bit rough, even before she started feeling bad. Her Doctor wants me to continue encouraging her to take a morning nap but, some days that just isn't happening. Especially if she feels yucky. Yesterday, after a failed attempt to get her to take her morning nap, I decided to try out her nap mat in the living room. I put on Dora and laid her down. That lasted a good 5 or 6 minutes and then she was up and playing.

By the time lunch time comes around she is cranky. Being tired and hungry is a bad combination! After lunch she will usually lay down for at least an hour, sometimes longer. I feel bad for my sweet little baby, I wish she felt better. I also think she is cutting teeth so that doesn't help matters either. I'm so ready to get back to our normal routine. I HATE not having a routine.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day!

Kagen has been feeling kind of yucky for the past couple of days (I'm sure playing in the snow didn't help) so we decided to stay home from church. I hate that we weren't able to go anywhere today but, we made the most of it. We had presents, cookies and lots of hugs and kisses!

When I went into Kagen's room this morning this is what I saw. I love my sweet hubby and my baby girl. =)

Again, trying to get this child to look at the camera and smile is next to impossible!

Present time!


Best $5 I ever spent!

Making cookies with Daddy

Friday, February 12, 2010


Here are some pictures from our BEAUTIFUL morning.