Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Long time no blog!

We are already half way through October!  I absolutely love this time of year.  Colder temps, pumpkins, pecan pie.  The list could really go on and on.

Just some random things in our life.

I am really enjoying Mom to Mom's.  It is wonderful spending time with other moms that face the same battles as I do when it comes to raising children.  Being a Mother is no easy job, but it is the best.
Kagen is really enjoying gymnastics.  I will try to remember to carry my camera tonight so I can snap some pictures.   Kalli is now 15 months and crawls everywhere.  She WILL NOT WALK.  Drives me nuts but, I know she will soon enough.  Although, if she is not walking by 18 months we will see a specialist.  Her Doctor believes it's just laziness.  We had her hips checked when she was just a few months old, and they were fine, so she doesn't believe there is an issue there.  Pray this child walks soon, please. Ha!!

We have 3 more weeks left in our Dave Ramsey FPU classes.  I can not believed it took me so long to ask about coordinated it at our church.  I felt the Lord call me to do so a little over a year ago, but like most things I pushed that aside out of fear and doubt.  What a blessing it has been though!  Oh my goodness.  Lex and I have enjoyed getting to know everyone in the class and to see them have hope.   We are actually going to start classes again in January so please be in prayer for those that are on the fence about this class.

We had Kagen's 4th birthday party and it was a hit!!  She had so much fun even though she was a TAD moody...

Back in July Lex accepted a job with a different company and left his job Tyler Ford.   After only a few months with the new company, Tyler Ford called Lex asking if he would be willing to come back.  We prayed very hard and decided he should go back.  We aren't sure why certain things happen, but God does!!  They are under new management so this has had a wonderful affect on the shop.
It wasn't that long ago that Lex lost his job and we were unclear of our future.  Although I did question the Lord, He never gave up on me and my lack of faith at times.  We don't know what our future has in store for us, so it's hard to see the BIG picture.  Luckily, He does and I have learned to always trust in the Lord.  He doesn't want to harm us.  He loves us so much and just wants us to have faith in Him and His timing.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Where are you Fall??

What a busy summer we have had.  We have had such a wonderful summer with our friends and family, but I am so ready for Fall.  I love the smells, the colors, and the weather!!!  We will finally have a routine again, which I am REALLY looking forward to. 
Kagen started gymnastics in a couple of weeks and she is so excited.  We decided to hold off on preschool this year because we wanted to save money.  I have joined a local Moms2Moms group that a sweet friend of mine attends and encouraged me to join.  I can't wait to start and meet other Moms!  We are really enjoying living closer to our family and our church.  Lex and I are starting up Dave Ramsey Financial Peace classed at our church next month and I can hardly wait.  I love sharing our testimony with others about our journey to financial peace.  We are still working hard at our goals!  We also start Awana's at church.  Things will be busy but, we will have some order around here.  ha! 
We celebrated Kalli's 1st birthday last month.  I still can't figure out where the year went.  I am so blessed to have two healthy girls.  God has been so good to us.

Lex started a new job and we are so proud of him!!  He is loving it and we love that we get to see more of Daddy!!!

I wish I could update more but with two kids, it's difficult!!  Have a great Sunday!!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Big Girl Bed!

Kagen is now in a big girl bed!!  She is so excited about it too.  I let her pick out bedding last week then she went with her Daddy to get the mattress.  I can't believe how big she is getting. 

The girls were having a blast!

Can't believe how fast time has gone.  Seems like yesterday when Kagen was sleeping in this when it was a crib! 

July 4th Fun

Here are some pictures from our 4th! 

Our church always puts on a great fireworks show.  I was sad that I didn't get any pictures during it...  Kalli was not a fan of them. ha!  Plus it was past her bedtime and she does not like missing a wink of sleep.  Hope you all had a wonderful day as well!

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Where has this month gone??

We have had such a great summer so far.  I am having a hard time finding the time to update my blog but, I promise to try harder!  We are still trying to get settled in to our home and getting ready for Kalli's first birthday.  Can you believe it?  A year, already!!  She is such a little blessing.  I'm so excited I get to plan a summertime birthday party too!!!!  Yay! 

Here are a few pictures from this month... 

We had Lex's cousin's baby shower.  It was so pretty!! 

I made this for Lex's Father's Day gift. 

Father's Day
Kagen looks thrilled doesn't she?

Swimming with friends

so serious.

Harlow and her silly self

Daddy had a birthday

Swimming lessons with one of her bffs

I love when she scrunches her little nose

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

New Adventures

I'm so excited about all the changes going on right now.  I've recently become a Thirty-One consultant and I am absolutley loving it.  I love being able to make my own hours while bringing in extra income.  I'm determined to start saving like crazy so I thought I would start selling some fun goodies.  If you're interested in having something made, just message me.  I can also have the items shipped to you if you're not in the area. 

If you're interested in Thirty-One products you can visit my website: mythirtyone.com/abbyrichardson

Here are some photos of other items I am selling not related to Thirty-One.









Saturday, May 26, 2012


Goodbye house on Roy Rd

We have moved!!  We are now in the big city of Lindale! ha!!  It's going to take some getting use to not being in the middle of everything.  We have been so busy with all kinds of fun things.

Have a blessed day!