Tuesday, March 30, 2010

~WARNING~ Possible picture overload.

Kagen is back to her normal self! I'm praying that she stays well for a LONG time but, the poor thing has allergies like her Momma. =( We've had a great weekend and week so far. We've been taking advantage of this gorgeous weather we are having. Saturday, we went to Megan's(Lex's cousin) wedding. I still can't belive she is married now! Kagen did awesome during the ceromony but, wanted to run around at the reception. Thank goodness for GiGi.

Kagen and Aunt Diane

GiGi and Kagen

Hanging with Bill Bill

Megan and Tim

Lexy and Diane

I'm ready to go play!

On Sunday we were finally able to go to church. I was excited since we have missed the last two, it was nice to get back in the swing of things. After church we had lunch with my family and came home to play in the sun!

Yesterday we went for a walk and played outside. Lex and I had bought a tent a few years ago for NASCAR and haven't used it since. So, I thought it would be fun to set it up for Kagen.

Gangs all here!

And so....today. Lex had to go to Gladewater so Kagen and I decided to join him. While we were waiting for a shop to get back from lunch we saw a neat little area so, we decided to take some pictures. =) I love how Kagen and Lex match!!

Not a fan of the glasses. =(

Monday, March 22, 2010


We spent most of last week taking care of my poor baby girl. She got better and better each day but, still had a bad cough. Wednesday she seemed to be feeling better so I decided to play around and give her some piggy tails. I have been wanting to do piggy tails on this child since before she was born!!!

Time to do Daddy's hair

On Thursday we made rice crispy treats in honor of St. Patty's Day. We didn't make them Wednesday because I wanted to make sure her tummy was better. We had fun and they were so very yummy!

A girl I went to school with does photography and she asked if I would like Kagen to model some items for a couple of boutiques. I said YES of course. How fun is that?! We met Beth ( www.blinkofaneyephotographybybb.com ) on Friday at her house and played dress up. Sadly, Kagen was not feeling 100% and we could not get that child to smile. I was working up a sweat and looking like a crazy person trying to get a grin out of her. But, bless her heart she was just not in to it. Beth ended up getting a couple really cute photos of her even though she was totally "over it".

After her 'photo shoot'.

Saturday night, we had the WORST night with Kagen since she was 4 weeks old. She went to bed just fine but, kept waking up. I thought it might be her teeth so I gave her some Motrin. Around 1am she started really getting uncomfortable and no matter when Lex or I did, it was doing nothing for her. Then around 2 she was screaming and crying so bad that I gave her some Tylenol and laid her in the bed with me and Lex and she finally went to sleep. The next morning she seemed to be doing better but, I decided to make her an appointment to see her Doctor just in case. Well, we had her appointment this afternoon and her left ear, that had the infection, was much better but, now her right ear has severe infection and Dr. Steeger prescribed her a new antibiotic and ear drops for pain. I feel so bad for her. It breaks my heart that she is in so much pain. She has done really well, given the severity of the infection. I'm just praying now, that gets over this quickly.

She's very ready to go nigh nigh.

Monday, March 15, 2010


Well..... Last week my computer decided to have a melt down. I haven't backed up anything on it in about 6 months so I am a nervous wreck that I will loose pictures and other important things. I feel lost without my computer but, should have it back in 5 to 7 days(gag). I spent last week preparing for a garage sale. We had a very successful sale but, it was STRESSFUL. Mostly because my little baby girl was a mess. Wednesday...She falls and hits her nose. I was scared she broke it but, I think it's okay. Thursday...She gets 'sick'. Friday and Saturday she stayed with her GiGi and Bill Bill (It was really hard being away from her for 2 days!!!!) She was okay those two days but me and Lex and my parents were sick sick sick. That mean tummy bug attacked us. Sunday Kagen gets 'sick' again and is cranky. And so today, I take her to the doctor and find out not only did she have a stomach virus but, she also has a full blown ear infection! Are you kidding me?!! It never occurred to me that her ears were bothering her. She is now sleeping and I am trying to not lose my mind. ;) I'm thinking a vacation is in the near future.