Monday, December 9, 2013

Christmas fun

Thursday night we told the girls we had a surprise for them.  So after baths they got their jammies on and we headed to Santa Land!  Kagen guessed where we were going before we got there! Ha! 

Friday night Lisa hosted a painting party.  We had so much fun laughing and painting!  I stayed out way too late, but it was worth it! 

Saturday morning Shana hosted a Happy Birthday Jesus party.  I love that she has these parties.  It helps remind the kids why we celebrate Christmas.  They go to birthday parties all the time, so this is a great way to help them "get" it.

After the party we met up with some friends for lunch then went to the Christmas tree farm.  They were wanting some family photos taken.  Kagen was in heaven hanging out with her boys.

Hayride fun!

Afterwards, I dropped Lex and Kalli off at home so me and Kagen could go to Tyler.  I wanted to take her shopping for a gift to give Kalli and I really just wanted to spend some time with her.  We had so much fun!  Our first stop was Starbucks, of course!  She begged to go to the mall, but after seeing the parking lot I decided I would keep my sanity and go to Target!  We drove around and looked at Christmas lights before we met back up with Lex, Kalli, Bill Bill and GiGi for dinner. 

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Sunshine and the zoo

This morning we had breakfast with Ziggy and talked about grace.  We talked about our sins and how Jesus died in place of us so that our sins would be forgiven.  Kagen is really starting to ask questions and I love it!!

We had some crazy beautiful weather today... So we took the opportunity to visit the Zoo.  The girls were SO HAPPY!  They wanted to stay with the goats the whole time! 

Kagen is obsessed with climbing things!  Everything!  Drives me nuts, but I'm trying to slow down and let her have a little fun...

We grabbed a snack and sat to watch the giraffes, elephants and zebras.  There was maybe 10 other cars today so the zoo was a ghost town.  It was awesome. 

Monday, December 2, 2013

It's the most wonderful time of the year!

It's here!  It's here!!  I LOVE Christmastime!  Can you tell?  Ha!  I have some of the best memories that revolve around Christmas.  I love getting together with our family.  Looking at Christmas lights.  Talking about the birth of Jesus with the girls.  The smells and decorations!!  Everything!

This year Lex and I decided not to buy the girls tons of gifts.  We also have gone back and fourth with the whole Santa thing.  I think we may let the big guy hang around for a while though.  I remember the joy I had waking up on Christmas morning and the excitement of seeing Santa.  With that being said, I don't want our girls to grow up thinking that's what it's all about.  We are going to focus on the true meaning of Christmas as well as giving more to others and doing more as a family.

Friday our elf, Ziggy, arrived.  He brought pizza, presents and a note from Santa.  I found a GREAT letter from this blog.  I love her take on Christmas and Santa!!  We are not doing the naughty or nice thing.  I am not telling the girls to be good so Santa will bring you gifts...  I want them to learn that making good choices and obeying is what God wants, not a way to get presents.  Our elf will also not be flying to the north pole every night to report if the girls have been good or bad.  Instead he will wake up at night and do some sneaky things.  Some things he will do won't be so bad and others will give us a chance to explain grace to him while learning how God shows us grace.

We will be reading from the Bible every night, learning about the birth of Jesus and why we celebrate.   Kagen is now at the age where she understands and I want her to grow closer to the Lord, as well as our family as a whole.  We've let ourselves get busy and have lost track of time and spending time with each other.  Now we are making it a priority!! 

Saturday we took the girls to see Frozen.  It was SO good!!  Both girls did great too!  I couldn't believe Kalli sat still so long!  After the movie we took them to Chick-fil-a.  Kagen requested it, of course!   We did a little shopping before heading back home.  That evening we planned to go to Santaland with Bill Bill and GiGi, until we saw the line!  Oh wow!  We turned around and went to Mineola to look at their displays downtown.  The girls loved it!

Sunday Ziggy rode with us to church. 

Sunday afternoon Lex went hunting with a friend.  When he got home, the girls just stared at him.  Ha!  Kalli wasn't sure about Daddy having that stuff on his face! 

Hope you all have a wonderful week!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Praying for self-confidence

This afternoon I told Kagen that she needed to lay down and get some rest so she could be ready for gymnastics.  She in turn said, "I love gymnastics!"  To which I replied, "You're really good at it!"  Then she said something that stuck with me.  And she has said similar things before.  She said, "Yeah, I am."   She wasn't saying it to brag on herself, because frankly she's 5 and I doubt a 5 year knows the concept of bragging.  She is confident in herself.  She feels good about herself.  She doesn't think negative thoughts about her hair color, the way she looks, she way she talks.  None of this crosses that precious 5 year old's mind.   All her thoughts about herself are good.

I am so happy that she feels so good about herself.  Then I realize, I am not confident in myself.  I can't imagine how sad I must make God feel when He hears me speak ugly things about myself.  He made me!  I am attacking His creation.  Oh my. I would be so heartbroken if I ever heard one of my girls say something ugly about themselves. 

 I use to be that confident little 5 year old and somewhere along the way she disappeared.   I can't take a compliment without throwing a negative about myself out there.  I sometimes worry that if I just say, "Thank you", they will think, "Well isn't she full of herself?"  (I am an OVER thinker y'all)
I look at others and say, "Her nose is so cute!  Why can't I have a cute nose like that!?"   Or, "I wish my hair as beautiful as hers!"   My husband tells me all the time how pretty he thinks I am.  And what do I do?  Slam it down with a, "whatever", "oh yeah right".  The man married me.  Obviously he is fond of me so why do I act like that?  On several occasions he has said, "It makes me mad when you talk about my wife like that."  Wow.  He's right.  If someone were to talk so badly about me to him, he would have a fit!  I am attacking the woman he married and loves.

 Self-confidence is something I've been working on for years.  I've prayed about it.  Oh how I have prayed. Let me tell you sisters, prayer works.  I pray for confidence.  Confidence in myself and the way I feel about myself as a mother as well.  Because I certainly look at other moms and think, "Wow.  They are a great mom.  Geez I stink at this." 

Why are we as women so hard on ourselves?  Why do we compare?  And listen, I am the worlds worst at comparing.  I always feel like I'm being judged by what I say, what I'm wearing, how I act and so on.   But, why?!  Why on earth do I care so much?  A big part is that I want to be liked.  The thought of someone not liking me, makes my stomach turn.   I want to fix it and make them love me.  But honestly, I shouldn't seek the approval of anyone other than the Lord.  If someone doesn't like me because of the way I dress or look, then so be it! 

I pray that my girls can grow up being confident in themselves.  But, how can they when they hear Mom tearing herself apart? Recently, Kagen made a joke about her being fat.  I quickly reminded her how it was not funny nor something to talk about.  But where did she hear it?  From her own Mom.  Never in a million years would I think my baby girl would hear me say these things about myself.  I realized I am so quick to point out flaws on myself, I don't even realize little ears are listening. 

Confidence in myself and feeling good about myself is something I need to pray for daily.  When I don't, those negative thoughts and feelings about myself creep in and boy can they escalade quickly.  I want to be the Mom that is confident in herself.  I want to show my girls that I am happy with myself.  This is how God made me and who am I to attack His work? 

I pray now for the protection of my sweet innocents girls' hearts.  I know there will come a day when they will lose some of that confidence.  I pray that when others try to attack them with their mean words, they can look at their Momma and see a strong confident woman and strive the be like that.  I pray they are not the ones that attack others either.  Oh my soul, I can't imagine how much hurt that would do to my momma heart.  I also don't want my girls to ever come across better than anyone, with their confidence.  I know that this is all a very fine line between the two.  I pray that they keep those sweet tender hearts and love one another just as they love themselves. 

If you haven't already, watch this video.  It's been circulating Facebook lately.  It really had me thinking about this very subject, then with the conversation I had with Kagen, I knew I had to write. 

Psalm 139:13-16
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be.

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Paying catch up

Happy hump day!!!   We are spending the day at home and enjoying some rainy weather.  Here's a little of what we've been up to...
Saturday was pay day for Kagen and she was a little excited.  It's hard to tell, I know.

While I was getting ready I looked in my room and saw this.  These girls are crazy and I love it.

Saturday night was our church's Fall Festival.  Our SS class is always in charge of the cake walk.
The kids had a blast and got lots of yummy treats!

Kagen's "boys" met us at the church.  How cute do they all look?!  I love it!

Sunday morning Lex ran sound and the guy that usually runs the video was out.  So I got to sit with Lex and help do the video.  I had fun especially getting to sit next to my honey.  Lately one of us is always in a different part of the church during Sunday morning worship.  =(

After lunch Kagen and I headed to a birthday party.  It was perfect weather and such a fun party!

Monday we ran a few errands before meeting Lex for lunch.  They loved playing with the trains at Toys 'R' Us.   I asked Kagen to show me some things she liked and I would pass the word to Santa.  She liked a lot of stuff too.  yikes.

We were suppose to eat at a recently upgraded playground, but silly momma forgot it was closed on Monday's... Whoops!!  So off to Sonic we went and had just as much fun!

The high school in the town that my Mom teaches in was putting on the play Grease.  How perfect!?!  So Kagen and I went with NaNa to watch.  It was SO good.  They were very impressive and put on an awesome show.

During intermission Kagen spotted a little girl.  "Momma, I'm going to go talk to her."
That child never meets a stranger. 

This was Kalli yesterday morning.  She is NOT a morning person.  It's hilarious and sad at the same time. 

We went to visit my Grandma and Uncle for a little bit.  The live right next to NaNa and PawPaw so I let the girls swing before coming back home.


Then we had gymnastics and went to chick-fil-a.  After that we ran to Marshall's to see if we could find some things for our trip NEXT week. {whoohoo!}  The girls wanted to ride so we let them.  Whatever works, right?

Have a great day!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Five on Friday... on Saturday

Wow!  I got half way though my 5 yesterday, if that counts!!  Better way late than never!


 We visited Yesterland Farm for the first time, a few weeks ago.  It's a huge pumpkin patch with lots of fun activities.  The girls had a BLAST and we spent all day there!  I love the Fall and  I love the smells!!!  The end of the year always makes me so excited and exhausted at the same time. 


   The beginning of this month we finished our Whole 30 challenge.  Basically, for 30 days you don't eat sugar, soy, or anything processed.  The first few days were really tough, but after that it was smooth sailing.  We had more energy and felt awesome!!  Lex lost 20lbs and is still going!  I'm so proud of him.  We make better food choices now and don't eat out near as much as we use to.  Once we finished the whole 30 we decided we would still try to eat better but we eat the occasional bad for you food.  And we do feel yucky afterwards.  ha! 

I can't say enogh about Dave Ramsey.  If you haven't heard of him, you should check him out.   He has a kit for children to teach them about money. Giving, Saving, and spending.  I think it is so important to teach our kids about money so that they know how to handle it when they're older.  And learn to avoid debt at all costs!!!  I can't wait to get this kit!!  We are also going to get the girls' their own savings accounts next week.  Kagen does chores and has a chore chart.  So once a month we will take her to the bank and let her put the money she has saved, in to her own account. 
You can order a kit here 


Speaking of money...  I use to think consignment shops were kind of icky, but boy was I wrong.  I love them!!  You can find awesome deals.  A few days ago I went to one and found a pair of Kenneth Cole shoes for Kagen and a pair of Sperry's for Kalli.  They were less than $20 for both!!  I also got a Gap dress for Kalli for $5.  It was in perfect condition too.  Amazing!  Serisouly.  Finding deals has become my new favorite game.  I drive Lex crazy all the time telling him the deals I got.  ha!!


I recently started reading this book and I am loving it.  At our last Mom's to Mom's meeting our speaker spoke about the importance of showing our children grace.  And raising them to know the Lord.  I also find that if I don't have my morning quiet time with the Lord, my day just doesn't go as well as it does when I do.  I am more impatient with my girls.  I get annoyed at things that really aren't THAT big of a deal.
    I want my girls to feel loved.  I want to show them how important they are to me.  God gave me and Lex these girls and I pray we raise them how God intended.  He didn't have to give them to us and I am truly thankful that he did.  Being a parent is a gift and I know that.  I love them so so much and wouldn't know what to do without them. 
               This book was given to us at our meeting but you can order it here.