Sunday, January 24, 2010


I finally remembered to snap a picture of Kagen's curls. They are so stinkin cute!!

What a crazy few days it has been. Wednesday we had a severe thunderstorm warning. Then, we had all kinds of tornado warnings and sirens were going off and I was FREAKING out. I have never been around a tornado so I had no idea what to expect. Of course my husband had to go outside and see what was going on. Finally, my parents called and told us that the news had said there was a tornado right down the road from us!! OMG! So I made Lex get in the closet with me, Kagen and our 3 little dogs. Everything was fine within a few minutes and the next day I saw NO damage anywhere! I think the local weathermen got a little too panicky. Which in turn made me panicky! I felt kind of silly after it was all said and done but, it was still scary. The next day it was GORGEOUS. Gotta love this East Texas weather. Kagen and I went to the zoo with some friends and just enjoyed the beautiful day.

We were blessed with another gorgeous day on Friday. Again, Kagen and I wanted to enjoy it. We met up with some more of our friends for lunch and to do some shopping. (I forgot to take pictures of Amanda's sweet baby boy!) Afterwards, we met up with Lex at the park so Kagen could run around and play while Daddy did some work.

I love this lil tushy

What'ca doin Daddy?

Monday, January 18, 2010

Pearly whites

This morning I took Kagen to her first Dentist appointment. I decided not to take her to a Children's Dentist just yet. Dr. Black, which is the Dentist I use to work for, let me bring Kagen in to see his Hygienist, Melanie. Kagen was pretty freaked out when we first went back because everyone was in scrubs. And she knows what happens when people in scrubs come around. She sat in my lap for the appointment and let Melanie get a quick look or two. Afterwards she watched a video and sat in the chair all by herself like a big girl!! Everything looks great and we will be back in 6 months!

Dr. Black and Dana's little girls came to see Kagen

They gave Kagen lots and lots of awesome books!

Kagen and Melanie

Kagen and Dana

Sugars for Dr. B

All done!


That's Kagen's new word for outside. Once it sounded like she actually did say, "outside". She will run to the window and start repeating, "side, side, side". I love it. She is such a talker. 99% of the time I have no idea what the heck she is saying but, it is music to my ears. I love hearing her sweet little voice. Although, it isn't that little all the time. She does have a set of lungs on her!

She also loves pushing buttons and TRYING to play on our computer. Lex decided to give Kagen his old laptop to play with. She was entertained for a solid minute. She did, however, figure out how to turn the computer on. Uh oh!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

I just love this little girl.

Lex and I decided to have a "photo shoot" with our little baby doll. It was mainly for fun but, some of them turned out great! Hope you like them.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Shots and sugars

Let me start by saying that I absolutely LOVE Kagen's Doctor and her nurses. They all rock.
Kagen didn't take a morning nap today, again, so I was already worried from the start that she was not going to do well at her check up. Much to my surprise she did great! She sat still and let her Doctor check her over and everything. Then came the shots. As soon as Kagen saw what the nurse had she started to freak out. She got 4 shots. It was so sad. But, once we were in the lobby she was happy and doing great. I am very proud of how well she did, she's my little champ.

Kagen's measurements...

Weight- 21.4 lbs and the 20th percentile
Length- 32 1/2 in and the 95th percentile!!!

Kagen looks healthy so her Doctor was not overly concerned with her weight. She is just tall and skinny, I suppose. And her head.... Well we can thank her Daddy for that. ;)

I love this sweet baby girl

Play time with Daddy before bed

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Our weekend...

Kagen is officially 15 months old!!! She got to have a "girls" day for her 15 month old birthday. This was her first trip to the movies and she did great!

About an hour, yes a whole hour, of sitting still she decided it was time to roam around. Dana took her into the lobby so she could run around and play. I was so proud of how well she did and how much fun we had. Thanks Dana, Courtney and Lisa for helping tame my little child!! Kagen has some pretty awesome "Aunts".

Lisa and Kagen

Playing on the stairs with Courtney

Being silly with Dana and Lisa

The next day I kicked Lex and Kagen out of the house. ;) I like to do that every once and a while to give my house a good deep cleaning and have some quite time. Before Kagen left with her Daddy I had to snap a few pictures of course!

Not crazy about these laces

We've moved on to a big girl wave

New favorite show-SESAME STREET!

Gathered all her toys around her. She loves audiences...

We ended the weekend with church, play and grocery shopping. Tomorrow Kagen has her 15 month check up and I am NOT looking forward to it. Shots stink!!

Dancing machine

Kagen's MiMi (Lex's Mom) got this sock monkey for Kagen when she was newborn. She LOVES it.

Let me outta here!

Story time with Daddy before bed.