Sunday, December 26, 2010

Merry Christmas!!!

We enjoyed three days packed full of family and food!!  Needless to say, we are exhausted.  I love all our families so much.  We enjoy every minute that we have with each other. 

Thursday night we had our annual Christmas Eve Eve with Billy and Kathy.  Kagen helped GiGi decorate cookies and sampled just about every single one.  Ha!  We had a delicious dinner and opened presents. 

On Christmas Eve we had lunch at Mo and Pop's house.    We ate more delicious food and opened more presents.  Kagen wasn't into the whole opening gifts as much I thought she would be.  There was too much going on I guess.  Later, we went to my parents house for snacks and games.

Christmas Day was the BIG day.  Santa came!!   Kagen spent a little time looking at her gifts then, she was over it.  Ha!  She was VERY excited about the hamster we bought her.  Best $5 ever.  After breakfast we got dressed and headed to Nanny's for lunch.  We spent most the day with them before heading back to my parent's for dinner. 

Kagen had such a good time and got lots of clothes and toys.  What I'm SUPER excited about is....she didn't get any duplicate gifts.  How awesome is that?!   I love when that happens.  Kagen, Lex and I are so extremely blessed to have the families we have.  They are so wonderful and mean the world to us.



I hope everyone had a very blessed Christmas. 

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


We have been so busy getting ready for Christmas and it's finally here!!!  Our Christmas starts tomorrow and we can't wait!  I LOVE Christmas.  Being with our families and eating while we celebrate Jesus' birthday and open a few presents.   I haven't taken many pictures lately but I have a few that are too sweet not to share.  We celebrated my Dad's birthday last week and Uncle Shane's birthday last night, I forgot my camera so I don't have any pictures from last night.

I hope you all have a very blessed Christmas and enjoy your time with friends and family.  And remember to celebrate the birth of Jesus.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Our Weekend

We had such a fun weekend.  Friday night we went to Holiday in the Park.  They had a snow hill and a place where kids could have snow ball fights.  Kagen LOVED watching the kids go down the snow hill, she didn't want to leave!  After we walked around, we met up with some friends to watch a ballet they were putting on.  It was beautiful.  They told the story if Jesus' birth through their dancing.  Kagen did wonderful the entire time.  She normally can't sit still long but, she sat there for the show and just watched and clapped.  I can't wait to put her in a dance class!!  Afterwards, we went downtown to look at the lights on the square.  It was so pretty, but all Kagen wanted to do was look at the water.  Ha!

Saturday was Kendall's first birthday and his party.  He had such a great party and got lots and lots of goodies!  Kagen wanted to stay outside the entire time.....  Which was okay until it started getting colder.  Her runny nose is never going to stop! 
I'm also sad because they are leaving this Tuesday but, EXCITED because they are coming back for good!!!!

This is the best picture I got of his shirt. =(  It was so cute!! 

And tonight, our church had their Christmas Cantata.  It was beautiful and everyone did such a wonderful job.  Lex worked the sound board and did great!!  I was so proud of him.  =)   After the singing we had dinner with everyone and got to see Santa!  Kagen was NOT digging him this time.  I laughed.  She cried. hahaha