Monday, February 21, 2011

Date night and a party!

Friday night my parents came over to watch Kagen so Lex and I could go to dinner and a movie.  It's been a while since we've done that and we had so much fun.  It was nice spending time with him and not worrying about anything.  We should really do that again. hahaha

Saturday we took Kagen to a birthday party and again, she just wanted cake!  After the party we came home so she could nap then we headed to the lake to enjoy the beautiful weather.  It was too pretty to stay inside.   I'm getting more and more anxious for Spring but, in the mean time I am so thankful for the beautiful weather the Lord has been giving us.

Please remember how precious life is.  We don't know when the Lord will call our name.  Don't take a single moment for granted.  You never know if it's going to be the last time you see that person.   Please be in prayer for the families and the students in Lindale and Quitman as they grieve the loss of their friends.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

15 Weeks

It's time for the first belly picture!  I took a picture about every 5 weeks with Kagen and so I'm going to try and do the same for this baby. 

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 15 weeks

Size of baby: He/She is about 4in long and 2.5 oz (About the size of and apple)

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 3lbs

Maternity Clothes: None yet

Gender: We find out in about 3 weeks

Movement: I felt a few flutters last week

Sleep: Not great but, I never sleep all that great.

What I miss: Nothing yet

Cravings: Chocolate!

Symptoms: I’ve had a lot of heartburn

Best Moment this week: Talking to Kagen about her baby brother or sister

I still can't get over how fast this pregnancy is going.  I guess it's because I have Kagen to keep me busy.  I want to try and relax and enjoy being pregnant this time but, we'll see.  Ha!  For a while I was dead set on having a girl but, something changed in me and I'm going to be just as excited if it's a boy.  I really just want a healthy baby.  I almost really want a boy now because I know Lex would be thrilled! 
I wanted to compare pictures of when I was pregnant with Kagen and now this baby.  
Ignore how tan I was in the first picture and the fact that I have no make-up on in the second! =)

Valentines Day 2011

Since Kagen came into the picture Valentines Day has been all about her!  I would rather buy her things and get her stuff than get anything.  I always tell Lex not to get me anything.  But, when I woke up he had a sweet card and some Krispy Kreme Donuts waiting for me!  He knows the way to my heart. hahaha  I wish we had a Krispy Kreme here but, I didn't mind settling.  He also brought me some Root Beer, which I have been craving!!  I sure do love that husband of mine.    I wanted to go to dinner with him this past weekend but, Kagen and I have both been feeling yucky and I didn't want to deal with all the other people who had the same idea.  I think we're going to try and have ourselves a date night this weekend instead.  I can't wait!

(I do realize neither one of these items are very healthy but, it's Valentines Day!)

When Kagen woke up we had breakfast with heart shaped pancakes.  We spent most of the day in our pajamas, which can be so nice!!  We didn't get her much this year but, she was pretty excited about her movies.  She wanted to watch them right away!

Talking Daddy's ear off

Our day ended pretty rough.  After Kagen's nap we met up with some friends at the park so Kagen could play for a while.  When we came home I found Jewel, our Momma dog, barely breathing and and unresponsive.  Luckily, Lex was working just down the road so he rushed home so that he could take her to the Emergency Vet.  She spent the night there last night but, they were never able to run a test on her because her blood would not clot.  The Vet thinks she has pancreatitis.  Lex went to get her this morning but, she is now on her way back to our regular Vet so they can watch her the next few days.   I'm hoping she will get better quickly!! 

Friday, February 11, 2011

Is it that obvious...

...that I get on to my child EVERY DAY?    This precious "innocent" child...

I guess I never realized how much I do it.  ha!!   But, that's how they learn.  Right?  
This morning Kagen spilled a cup that was full of water.  When I walked in the room she looked at me and said, "KAAAGEN!!! ugggh!!".  

She also tore some pages out of a book a while back.  When she reads the book and comes across those torn pages she says, "Kaaaagen".

The other night when Lex was giving her a bath, she put her rubber ducky in "time out". 

That same night Lex was messing with her and she turned to him and said, "stop it".  Oh my!!!

While at the doctors office this morning, Lex was messing with her...again...and she said, "DAAADDDY,  No Ma'am!!"   "Stop!".   Oh how I love her.

I started worrying... Am I too strict on her?  Do I get on to her too much? 
No.   I don't think I do.  I know it will pay off and it has already started to.  I've began noticing a difference when it comes to asking her to do something or asking her to come see me.  She obeys me.   Not every time but, she is getting there.

 Of all the time outs and spankings, she still knows how much we love her.    She tells us she loves us all the time.  And I know that's because that's something she hears every single day. 
She also repeats sweet things like "good job!" or "yay, I did it!". 

If she tells me "thank you" for something and I don't say "You're welcome".  She will say, "You're welcome, Momma".  ha  

She held a tissue up to my nose and said, "blow" and I pretended to.  She then said, "Very good job, Momma!!".

My little 2 year old has already given me several gray hairs and that's okay.  I love her with all my heart and she knows that.   All the aggravation of being a Mom and having to deal with tantrums, crying, changing diapers, wiping noses, time outs, is so worth it.  Especially when she gives me a hug with out me having to ask.  Or a kiss on the cheek. Telling me, "I love you Momma".   She is wonderful.  One of the greatest gifts from God.

Now I'm just trying to brace myself for her little brother of sister.  Surely he/she will be a breeze, right?  LOL   Bring on the gray hairs!!!

I love you sweet baby girl!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Weekend fun

  It was a fun weekend!  Saturday, we loaded up to go to a birthday party that Kagen was invited to.  All she could talk about was "cake cake!".  Can you tell she likes sweets??   We had a good time and Kagen enjoyed playing with all the kids.  It's so funny to see how they all imitate each other.  When they were eating cake Kagen said, "birthday cake cake!!"  So all the kids starting saying, "Cake cake!  Cake Cake!!  Cake Cake!".   Needless to say, the sugar was kicking in.

Before getting ready for the party Lex and Kagen snuggled up and watched some cartoons.  She's such a Daddy's girl.

Let's go Momma!

Handy Manny attracts even the biggest kids. hahaha

Sunday morning I tried to take a few pictures of Kagen before church, but  she was being pretty silly.  She wanted me to take a picture then she wanted to see the picture.  We did this several times...  After lunch with my Mom and sister, Lex and I took Kagen over to Bill Bill and GiGi's so they could watch her for us while we went to a super bowl party.  Our Sunday School teachers hosted a party/devotion time at their home.  It was a lot of fun with some good food too!!  
This week we are suppose to get more snow.....  I want to get Kagen out of the house this week to do some fun things so I'm hoping the roads don't get as bad as they were this weekend.   Hope you all have a great week!!

Here are few pictures from Kagen's Valentine's Mini Session.  It was a gift from her GiGi and Beth at Blink of an Eye Photography  did them.  She did an awesome job!

Friday, February 4, 2011

Mommy/Pregnancy brain and SNOW!

  Ever since Kagen was born I've found myself doing so many silly things.  Like, sitting at a green light and when I finally realize that it is turns red.  I'm sure other drivers can't stand me.  Ha!  I also lose EVERYTHING.  I'm not kidding.  Most of my day is spent looking for something.  Well, the past few weeks I have been really forgetful.   The scariest thing I've done so far is leave the oven on, TWICE.  I did it one day when Kagen and I left to run errands.  I did it again....last night.  Around 5 this morning we heard a beeping coming from the kitchen.  It was the oven letting us know that I forgot about it! I am seriously losing my mind.  I had a doctors appointment yesterday and for the life of me could not remember my age.  I kept going back and forth with myself before coming to the conclusion I was 27 or is it 28? Ha!!  All I can do is laugh.  I hope it doesn't get worse.
My Dad came over yesterday to watch Kagen so I could go to my 13 week checkup.   The baby's heartbeat sounded great and was 166 BPM.  My Doctor and her nurses think I'm having another girl.  We find out for sure on March 9th.  I can't wait!!  I will be happy either way of course!

We woke up this morning to a few inches of snow.  It's very pretty but, I'm  not very excited about it.  I'm just really ready for some warm weather.   Kagen, on the other hand,  was pretty excited to see the snow.  She couldn't wait to get out in it.  We let her play for a little while before coming in for some hot chocolate.    Bill Bill came over and took her and Lex to lunch while I stayed home and enjoyed some quite time!   We may try to venture out to Target once Lex gets home later.  I hate feeling stuck at home.  But, the roads were pretty bad this morning and will be again tomorrow.  Yuck.  I hope everyone has a great weekend!!

I also had to post this video of Kagen.  She had some things to say about the snow.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011


Monday was a pretty lazy day for us.  We did some laundry and cleaned a little bit.  We spent the day in pajamas and prepared for the cold temperatures that were on their way.    After Kagen's nap she brought the camera to me and wanted her picture taken.  She's such a ham.  Notice her hair in these two photos.  It is a MESS.  I'm always so happy when she wakes up having a good hair day because it's so rare!

I was able to go to the grocery store yesterday morning because we in desperate need of food!  I thought I was going to freeze to death!!  It got cold FAST!  Have I mentioned that I'm ready for Spring???  That afternoon Kagen and I went to visit my sweet friend, Stacy and her new baby, Connor.  He is being such a good lil guy for his Momma!  He is precious as ever too.  Of course, Kagen was more interested in Stacy's dogs. haha    On our way home it was starting to snow so I let Kagen play in the back yard for just a minute.  She loves the snow.  Me?  Not so much.  I'm over it now. 

When we woke up this morning it was 16 degrees outside.....16!!!!   Yuck.  They have also been doing rotating power outages since about 6 this morning around here, actually all of Texas I think.  It's been annoying but, it only lasted about 15 minutes at a time.  Lex was home this morning so he watched Kagen so I could have lunch with a friend and not have to get her out in the cold.  I always get cabin fever so bad when the weather gets like this, it was nice to get out.   I hope everyone is able to stay warm in the cold, cold weather.