Thursday, September 29, 2011

Happy Thursday!

I could love on this sweet baby all day long!

Today I met up with a friend and went to the Fair for lunch.  It was VERY hot but, we had a good time.    I love fair food!!  Kalli did great too.  She slept the entire time we were there.  I forgot how easy babies can be....sometimes.

 After we ate we went to get Kagen from school.   I needed to find something for Kalli to wear to Kagen's birthday party next weekend.   {{I can't believe I'm about to have a 3 year old!!!}}  It was a little scary getting out with two kids, but luckily I had a friend to help me out!  They both did great!

She was telling me that she didn't want her picture taken.  ha!

Happy Thursday!!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Lazy Wednesday

The girls and I decided today would be a great to day spend in our pajamas.  We've already had a busy couple of days and I'm pooped!!  On Monday we met my Mom, sister and sweet Ciara so they could take Kagen.  Kalli had a follow up appointment in Dallas and my Mom and sister offered to watch Kagen while we went.

Our trip started off with Lex getting pulled over. Ha!  Luckily he got a warning!!!  He told me he doesn't know what's worse, a ticket or me griping at him for getting a ticket. hahaha!  Needless to say he was pretty grateful for the warning.

Sleepy head

 The Doctor said Kalli looked great and was happy to see her reflux was doing better since switching her meds.  He told us to take Kalli off the oxygen for the next two while hooked up to the pulse ox.  If her sats stayed up we could stop keeping the pulse ox on her all day and just do spot checks.  After a week of that we can start taking her off the oxygen at night.   I couldn't believe what I was hearing!  I was excited and
scared.  I'm so ready to get rid of everything but, it is a little scary...

This picture tickles me.  While we were waiting on the doctor to finish his notes Kalli started getting fussy.  Lex let her look outside and she was a happy little girl.

On the way home we stopped by Lindsey and Shane's house so we could pick Kagen up and get our Ciara fix.  She is the sweetes little baby!  I'm so glad I'm finally an Aunt!!  I just love that little girl. 

I think Kagen is going to enjoy being in charge

Sweet babies!  Just 2 months apart.  I can't believe how big Kalli is already.  It's amazing HOW FAST it goes.

Uncle Lex's first time to see Ciara
After that we stopped and Billy and Kathy's to visit with them for a little while before heading home.

Yesterday Kagen had school and I was exhausted! Ha!  I was so tempted to let her stay home but, she REALLY wanted to go.  She is always talking about school, her teacher and her friends.  Before we left she INSISTED on wearing her back pack to the car AND her sunglasses.  She can be a little diva sometimes. 

While Kagen was at school Kalli and I just hung out.  She had been off her oxygen since we got up that morning and she was doing so good.  I snapped a picture of her SATS because I am so proud of how far she has come.  I remember praying to see her stay at 100 in the NICU.  God is so good!!  Kalli is an amazing little girl.  What a ride her little life has been so far, but she's so happy you'd never know it!

After I picked up Kagen up at school we headed to Kalli's appointment to have her hips looked at.  After the sonogram was done the sonographer brought a Doctor in the room.  He looked at Kalli's hips then did another sono.  My heart was racing!!  But, then he said everything looked great.  PHEW!

  Next month Kalli will begin getting Synagis shots because she is considered high risk for RSV.  She will get one shot a month until March or April.  I hate that she has to get more shots but, it's better than her getting sick. 

Thank you for praying for my sweet family.  We've come so far in such a short time. 


Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lindsey's baby shower

After I blogged about Lisa's shower I realized I never posted about Lindsey's!!!  I guess it's because I had Kalli two days after it!!!  Lindsey's shower was on July 16th at my Mom's house.  She had such a good turn out and got tons of stuff.  She even had two more showers.  Needless to say she was ready for Ciara!!

She's so pretty!

Lisa's Baby Shower

Yesterday we had a baby shower for my sweet friend.  Harlow Rivera Taylor will be here in just a few weeks and I can't wait to meet her!!!

She is such a beautiful Mom to be!

Amanda with baby boy #2 on the way

I adore her!

The diaper cake and the little outfit were given to Lisa by two of her close friends.  I thought they were SO CUTE!!!

I'm an Aunt!!

Early Thursday morning my sister's water broke!!  She was four days past her due date and had just seen the doctor the day before.  They scheduled an induction date for the following Wednesday if Ciara did not come on her own. Well, she was ready! I was SO excited!!  I can't believe my little sister is a Momma!!  She did great through everything and according to her hubby and our Mom, was a champ during Ciara's delivery. I believe it!
Ciara is gorgeous!!  She looks so much like Shane AND Lindsey!!  Before she was born we all took turns guessing her birth weight.  Well, Daddy knows best.  Shane was right on the money.  She was 7.7lbs and 19in.  She has been such a good baby for them.

Kalli hung out with Aunt Lindsey while Kagen played with PaPa in the waiting room.

Look at these little toes!


She makes such a beautiful Mom!

The new parents with their sweet baby girl

Seriously!  How much do her and Kalli look alike?!  Crazy!

Kagen was pretty excited about Ciara too!