Monday, April 2, 2012

Moving on

I've always been sentimental about different things and our house is certainly no exception.  We bought our house in October of 2007 with no flooring or appliances and was in need of some TLC.  It had been vacant for a few years and the current owner was slowly renovating it.  We thought it would be fun to finish the renovations ourselves.  We almost didn't get the loan for the house because it had no appliances or flooring.  Our amazing realtor suggested painting the floors.  So the night before they were to take pictures for loan approval we, along with our realtor, her husband, and some of our wonderful friends spent hours painting the floors.  It ended up being such a fun night and we will never forget those that helped.  We didn't even ask for their help...they volunteered!!!  
This house will always be special to us.  This was our girls' first home.  We've had so many great memories in this house and will miss it terribly.  But we are ready for change.  We've prayed for at least a year about selling and we feel like the Lord is telling us now is the time.  We have no idea if we are going to build or buy next.  It's scary not  knowing what we will do but, we know the Lord is in control and we can not wait to see what is next for our family.