Thursday, March 31, 2011


We have been so busy lately and this week it has caught up to me!!   But,  I hate sitting still or at home so I love getting out of the house when they weather is nice.  I haven't even stopped to take pictures, which is crazy!!    Tuesday and this morning I watched Levi for a little while.  Kagen just loves Levi and talks about him all the time.    Needless to say, she was really excited to see him!  I did take a few pictures on Tuesday of them playing, you'll need to ignore Kagen's MESSY hair. 
I noticed today that Kagen has a little bit of jealousy when it comes to another kid and her Momma.  I'm hoping this changes when Kalli gets here. Ha!  Yeah right....  

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Big Sister goodies!

Kagen has gotten a couple gifts in the mail this week.  MiMi sent her a Big Sister book that is is sweet!  We've already read it a few times.  And today, we received adorable big/little sister shirts from Amanda.  They are so cute!!!   I'm getting more and more excited about having another baby.  I know Kagen is going to be so good with Kalli.  She has the sweetest spirit and loves to help out.  I snapped some pictures of Kagen modeling her new merchandise.   I had to bribe her with chips. ha!

Her "cheese" face cracks me up

Thank you both again so much!!! 

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Half way there!!

Pregnancy Highlights:

How Far Along: 20 Weeks

Size of baby: About the size of a banana

Total Weight Gain/Loss: Gained 10lbs

Maternity Clothes: None yet

Gender: It’s a GIRL! Kalli Reese Richardson

Movement: I feel her more and more each day.  I love it and her!

Sleep: Not great but, I never sleep all that great.

What I miss: Nothing yet

Cravings: Chocolate, Breakfast food, and Chick-fil-a

Symptoms: Still have some heartburn but, it's gotten better.

Best Moment this week: Watching Kagen point to the sonogram and say “baby rister!”.   Yes, she says “Rister”.  I'm convinced she thinks I'm having a baby ROOSTER.

I am really enjoying this pregnancy more and more.  I actually LIKE that my belly is getting big.(I'm sure this summer I'll be singing a different song)   I don't want to take any of this for granted like I did with Kagen.  Poor Kagen, I was just ready to have her and be done with the whole pregnancy thing.  We came up with the name Kalli as a compromise.   I LOVE the name Reese and actually had Lex on board with it until I saw the name Kalli.  Lex loved that name and the spelling.  My Mom and Kathy both suggested using Reese as a middle name. After a couple days of bugging friends and family for their advice we decided on the name.  I can't wait to meet miss Kalli!  I just hope I have everything ready in time for her arrival!!

Monday, March 14, 2011

18 week check-up

I'm a little behind on blogging....  We've had a busy couple weeks and I've just not been in the mood to blog. ha! 

Last Wednesday Lex and I found out we are having another GIRL!  He and I both thought we were having a boy and so did everyone else!  I was SO excited when the sonographer said it was a girl, though!  I'm just thankful that she is healthy and that everything looked good.  It still amazes me to see God's beautiful work.  The fact that I can grow someone is just plain amazing!  God is too awesome.  I'm already enjoying this pregnancy more, I think.  Mainly because I'm not stressing like I did with Kagen.   I worried about EVERYTHING with that child!    Last Thursday Lex and I both felt baby girl kicking around!!  She's going to be a lot like her big sister.  Maybe my THIRD child will be mellow? 

Back to my appointment.  As I said, everything looked great and she is actually measuring 2 days bigger than my due date.   I loved seeing and hearing her little heart beating.  Her heart rate was 142BPM.  She did not want to move her arm away from her face for us.   She's also laying across instead of up and down but, she should turn eventually. 

I feel like everything is going so fast this time and I am so worried I won't have everything ready for her.  I can't wait to get started on her room.  Lex's Mom has offered to buy us a crib, which is a HUGE blessing and I'm going to refinish my Mom's dresser that she had as a littler girl.  I'm so excited about all the ideas in my head....  We've been throwing names around for baby girl #2 and I think we've decided but, I'm going to let it marinate with me for just a little bit.  =)

In another week I'll have a new belly picture up and get ready, because this tummy is getting bigger by the minute!!!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Happy Birthday NaNa!!!!

Yesterday was my Mom's birthday so we all went to their house for dinner and games.  We had such a good time and enjoyed spending  time with my family.  I hope you had a very happy Birthday Momma!! 
We love you VERY much!!!!!