Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Big girl bed

Kagen has been trying to climb out of her crib. It's been making me nervous and bed time has also become very difficult. I finally emailed Kagen's Doctor and she said that once they can climb out of their crib it's time for a toddler bed. She also wants to check Kagen's ears to make sure there's nothing going on with them since we've been having some issues. I'm hoping her ears are okay but, we'll see!

When Kagen walked in to her room and saw her bed the first thing she said was, "ooohhhhh!", she then proceeded to climb into it. It was pretty funny. After checking things out Lex said our night time prayers then we put Kagen to bed. Well, after we left the room she was out of the bed. She headed to her rocking chair and laid down in it. I put her back in bed, then left and she was out again. This time she laid down next to her closet doors. This went on a few times so I decided to attempt to rock her to sleep then lay her down. It worked. Thank goodness. We'll see how all this plays out. Stay tuned.

Father's Day weekend

I'm a little late in posting about our weekend but, better late than never! Saturday was Lex's 29th birthday. He's not one to celebrate so it was a low key day. The three of us had lunch with Billy and Kathy at the best BBQ place, Country Tavern. YUM! After lunch we came home to relax for a bit then my parents came over to watch Kagen so Lex and I could go on a date. We had a great time and had some more awesome food. We ate GOOD this weekend.

Daddy and his baby girl

Lex and I on our date

Sunday was, of course, Father's Day. Our plan was to attend Sunday School but, Kagen had other plans. We at least made it to Church! After church my family and Lex's Dad and Step-mom met up for lunch at Cracker Barrel. After lunch we headed to my family's house to give my dad his gift and then we went to my in-laws.

She was a little dancing queen

Nana and Kagen

Kagen with her Aunt Lindsey and Uncle Shane

For some reason I neglected to get any pictures of Kagen with her GiGi. I feel so bad about that and I am usually really good about getting pictures of everyone. I was also extremely tired once we got there so lets just blame it on that.

We then went home so Kagen could nap. After her nap we all went outside to "swim". It was a perfect ending to a perfect weekend.

Happy Father's Day and Birthday to my sweet husband! Every night I thank God that he brought you in to my life. You work so hard for us so that I am able to stay home and be with our baby girl. I know some days are long and tiring but, you are willing to do whatever it takes to take care of us. Thank you for being a strong christian husband and father. I LOVE YOU.

Friday, June 11, 2010


We have needed rain for a while and boy did we get what we asked for! I loved it, my grass loved it and my flower beds loved it. BUT, that meant we would be stuck inside... Yesterday morning I made a quick trip to Wal-Mart to get a few groceries and some items to keep Kagen entertained. I got some of these neat markers that would only color on a certain kind of paper. It's nice. My Dad had neck surgery on Tuesday so Kagen colored and decorated a picture for him. Later that evening we took dinner and Kagen's picture to my parent's house. My Dad is doing good, in case you are wondering.

She had more fun trying to take the lid off and put it back on.

The final product

Monday, June 7, 2010

New things

I thought it was time for an update on a few of the things Kagen does and likes to do.

She kisses EVERYTHING! And she's started making the "smack" sound when she does it. It is so cute!! She also loves to hug and sometimes she will hug you and say, "awwwe, so sweet". It melts my heart!

When she eats she's say, "mmmm, num num".

When you hand her an item she'll say "thank you".

After our bedtime prayer with her she'll say "Amen". The most precious thing she has said yet! Sometimes she thinks Lex and I are praying when we give each other a hug she'll say "Amen" afterwards. haha

I think we are close to potty training...but I am certainly not holding my breath. She said "poo poo" the other day when she went potty. We'll have to work on the meaning of each word but, the fact that she told me was great!

She loves being scared! It's pretty hilarious.

She'll pick up a phone and say, "hello, who's this?".

She has decided to call my mom NaNa. We were kind of waiting to see what Kagen would call my mom so we just called her Grandma until recently.

She is not shy at all and loves to put on a show.

She loves Elmo.

She is an independent girl! She wants to do everything herself. Some things I love for her to do but, others she can't and that's when most of the fits occur.

Books are still her favorite "toy". She likes to point at different animals and make the sound they make.

She just now started running everywhere. I guess it took her a while since she is pretty tall, she wanted to make sure she had some balance.

Tonight when we were walking out of her room she told Lex, "love you". Love it!!!

I guess all these great things make up for the fits she's been having. =) I wouldn't trade her for the world! There's much more she is doing but, these are some of my favorites and I just wanted to jot them down so I could remember. ;)

I heart San Antonio

If you haven't learned already, I LOVE LOVE LOVE San Antonio. I fell in love with that place when Lex and I were dating, when we went to visit his Mom. There is so much to do and it's such a big place but, doesn't feel big. It's gorgeous and has some REALLY great Mexican restaurants. Oh how I wanted to move there for the longest time. We love getting to visit his Mom there! She always has Diet Dr Pepper waiting on us too!!

Last Thursday we traveled there for Lex's step-sister, Madeline's graduation. The trip there was a little rough. Kagen CAN NOT stand sitting still for long so we had some issues.... haha! We finally arrived late Thursday night and were so ready for bed. We took so many pictures this weekend, to look at most of our pictures you can go here to see them.
On Friday, the three of us headed down town, of course, to hang out. Our first stop was the San Antonio Children's Museum. That place was awesome! Kagen had a blast and loved being able to run around and touch everything.


She refused to get in this plane

mmmm, lunch time

The Alamo

Saturday, we went to Madeline's graduation. Kagen didn't like having to sit still so we ended up going to the bottom and letting her run around. She is constantly on the move!

These are Lex's step-sisters, Danielle and Madeline. I am so proud to be a part of their family. These girls have the best attitudes and are so sweet, not to mention gorgeous! I love them.

Lex is not in this picture because we had to leave after Madeline walked due to Kagen throwing a few tantrums.... I'll get to that later. This is Lex's Grandmother and cousins, Grayson and Travis with the girls.

She loves her Mimi

Some of us at Ruth's Chris (YUM!) for Madeline's graduation dinner.

We left on Sunday and decided to make a pit stop in Austin to visit the Capital Building. We didn't get any pictures inside though! We had Jake with us so we had to take turns going in and looking around. It is such a beautiful building and area.

Kagen LOVED walking Jake and I think it wore here out, which was our goal. ;)

We weren't out there 5 minutes before Kagen's little face got red from the heat and her hair got REAL curly from the humidity.

So about our sweet little girl throwing really BIG tantrums.... I guess this is what "they" call the terrible two's?! She has been very moody this past week. I'm hoping this faze doesn't last long but, my oh my she is wearing me out some days! lol Time Out has been helping some so maybe if we continue with them she will not be so rebellious? I guess that would be the way to put it... Here is an example of my sweet child throwing a fit. ;)

She did not want me to hold her for a picture, she wanted to run around with Jake...

*sigh* She is also a sweet girl and I know that these fits/tantrums are part of the process and perhaps a little pay back for my behavior. ;)

The ride home was much more pleasant. Especially after getting ice cream!

"Live like no one else so that later you can live like no one else" Dave Ramsey

Lex and I have been listening to Dave Ramsey for a while now. I wish we would have been listening to him when we first got married. We finally decided to join Financial Peace University. We are on week two and already feel great about the end results! Dave teaches you how to become DEBT FREE and pay CASH for things instead of BORROWING money. It's going to be so hard to not buy Kagen every cute outfit I see or to not go eat out so much or do some of the fun things we like to do. We both realize the sacrifices we will have to make but, it will be so worth it. If you ever get a chance you should visit his website and listen to him. He is a great christian man as well. I hope that we are able to pass on the things we learn to Kagen so that she will understand the importance of tithing and saving.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day

Yesterday we went to my Parent's house for a BBQ and some swimming. It was a lot of fun and of course Kagen had a blast. She LOVES the water. She thinks she can swim by herself and will have a FIT when we won't let her go in the water by herself.

Dancing with Aunt Lindsey

I saw this adorable swim suit at Wal-Mart and seeing that it was only $5 I had to get it... I was hoping she could wear it again on the 4th of July but, at the rate she's growing it may not fit her then!

Fun in the tub