Saturday, November 28, 2009

Loving this time of the year.

I would like to start off by saying what I am thankful for. I'm going to get a bit mushy which is okay every once and a while. ;) I am thankful for my husband. He came in to my life a little over 8 years ago and I couldn't be happier with him. He works so hard, so that I am able to stay home and be with my little girl and for that I am very thankful for. On that note, I am thankful for my little girl. She is the best gift I could have ever received. She has made me a better person and made my life so much brighter. I cherish each and every moment with her, because I know they will go by quickly. One more..... I am thankful for my friends and family. I'm such a lucky gal to have such cool, awesome, sweet, crazy, loud, funny people in my life. Love you!!!

Every year for the past 3 or 4 years my mom, sister and I have gone to Grapevine and spent the weekend there to do our Christmas shopping. We started our own little tradition and it's a good one if I do say so myself. Last year we didn't get go because Kagen was so little and I just wasn't ready to be away from her. This year was a different story. I was ready for a break!! I had a great time with them and got just about all of my Christmas shopping done. Needless to say the back of the car was filled to the top with all kinds of Christmas goodies. My sister and her husband just bought their first home so when we got back in to town I couldn't wait to see all the work Shane had done to it. The whole time we were shopping, he was painting. Bless his heart. It looks great though!! I didn't take any pictures but, I will very soon. I'm so proud of them and they very much deserve it.
Then here comes Thanksgiving! It's probably my second favorite time of the year. First favorite is Christmas, if you didn't already know that. ;) My mom's kitchen, where we usually have Thanksgiving, was being re-done. I am also very excited for her! My momma has had the same kitchen ever since I was 5 and she has been wanting it updated since ummmm, FOREVER. I can't get over how happy I am that she is finally able to do something for herself. It's just about done so once it is I will post pictures. It's gorgeous, trust me. Anyways, we decided to have Thanksgiving here at our home. This was my first time to host something like this. It was just my family so I had nothing to be nervous about other than the food!! If you know me, then you know I don't like to cook. I hate failure and I don't want to fail at it so I figure, why bother with it, right? Here and there I have cooked a few meals nervously watching Lex's face for disgust. I can't handle that STRESS! Well, my Mom gave me the job of cooking the turkey. I was FREAKING out. I woke up Thursday morning so that I could begin the scary process. The worst part of this was touching that thing! I gagged about 30 times. After a few phone calls to my mom, we were set and it was in the oven cooking away. It turned out GREAT!!! I wish I had taken a picture of it before we demolished it. It wasn't even that hard either so I don't know why I was so worried. I'm thinking I can start getting use to this cooking thing as long as I have someone clean up afterwards. *cough*LEX*cough* We had a great lunch and then rested. That evening we went to Nanny's house for dinner. Again, ate way too much but, you're suppose to right?

Our second Thanksgiving with our sweet baby girl

Trying to find food

Playing outside with Daddy

Getting ready to go eat Thanksgiving dinner at Nanny's

Hangin' out with cousin Brit

Being silly with Aunt Diane

This sweet little girl came with Dorie and she is such a doll!

The next day we went to Mo and Pop's house to eat Thanksgiving dinner with them. Lex's mom came in to town and it was also her birthday so we celebrated Thanksgiving and MiMi's birthday. Kagen also sang her first song. We were all singing happy birthday and Kagen stole the show singing to MiMi. She sounded pretty darn good too!

Singing Happy Birthday

Happy Birthday MiMi!!

Kagen loves her some turkey and dressing

Here are just some other random photos from our month. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

She is now insisting on feeding her self. This usually ends with a big mess.

This is what happends when I leave the wheels unlocked on the highchair

Yep, I took a picture while she had a little tantrum.

She quickly got over it and went on to something else.

Our Christmas tree!!! Sadly I will be parting with my black and silver decor after this year. I think Kagen needs a more child like "fun" atmosphere. I'll miss it.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Going, going, going

Friday after last, Lex's boss called and asked if he would mind going to work in San Antonio for a few days. Lex jumped at the opportunity to go to San Antonio for a few days, especially since his mom lives there! I was pretty excited myself, since I am in love with that place, I was packing our bags as soon as I could. This was our first road trip with Kagen so I was a little nervous about it. We started our day on Monday, leaving at 8:30am, driving and stopping, driving and stopping, looking at cars and finally reached his mom's house around 10:30pm . A normally 5-6 hour trip took us about 14 hours. WOW!! That was a looong day. Kagen did great though! We had about 3 mini meltdowns but, other than that she was a happy camper.

The next day Lex had some work to do so me and Karen took Kagen to the park. The park was gorgeous. But, San Antonio is gorgeous so what do you expect?

She LOVES it outside

Went down the slide like a big girl

This bee was her most favorite part of the playground

She's silly just like her daddy

I love catching all her silly expresions on camera

Kagen and her entourage

Daddy showing Kagen how to eat ice cream lol

She wanted to pull the stroller

We had a family date night on the riverwalk. I'm hoping we can go back soon so Kagen can see the Alamo.

Their a little fuzzy but, I love the background

This little guy joined us for most of our dinner

Sunday, November 1, 2009

October has come and gone...

What a busy but, awesome month we have had. I'm a bit sad to see it go but, I'm VERY excited about these next two months. Especially Christmas, since that is my most favorite time of the year!
Last week me and Amanda decided to get crafty and make some decor for her little boy's room. I think they turned out perfect and I'm ready to get to work on some for Kagen!!

This is what we started with.

And after some decorative paper and Mod Podge we ended up with these beauties!

Yesterday was Halloween so we took our little Kitty Cat to my parent's church where they were having a Fall Festival. We had a great time and ate some yummy food. Kagen had a blast! Afterwards we stopped by to see my dad at another church where he was providing music for their Fall Festival.

Happy Halloween!!

lil kitty cat

Searching for the goods.

Thirsty kitten